Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Caribbean Isle Apartments in Kissimmee BITES!

FYI: The weasle has yet to respond to this letter:
Jeff Marc - JMG Realty
12008 Southshore BoulevardWellington, FL 33414

Dear Jeff Marc;
Last night I called Caribbean Isle’s emergency maintenance number twice because a large snake presented itself to me in my bathroom upstairs and eventually in my downstairs bathroom as well. Upon receipt of no response I called the police. Eventually Edgar responded with a courtesy key to the model apartment. Four police officers also responded. Animal Control could not come until the creature was captured. Today I spent the day prodding JMG management team to get the “pest” out of my apartment, as it is the apartment complex owner’s responsibility to negate pests from the rented premises. By calling the wrong company, that is to say a company that does not exterminate snakes, JMG wasted enough time to put off this emergency until Tuesday. JMG’s negligence has been consistent and goes well with JMG’s denial for the two together seem to keep the firm with a lofty appearance that belies its true nature.

The previous tenants of 3518 Jamaica Run Lane, apt 1704 owned the snake. I learned this information from my neighbors who sarcastically explained, in turn, through separate interviews, that they received notice of the snake’s escape from its owners through Caribbean Isle. They each told me of the fliers that were placed in their doors alerting them to the snake’s disappearance through the plumbing. When I leased this apartment I was never told of this incident and the sincere possibility it was living here with me. I did tell Lee Rogers, in several emails that the apartment still holds the animal smells from the previous tenant and these obnoxious odors have not been at all affected by the multiple shampooings that the main floor carpet received. This is because the previous tenants allowed their pets to use that carpet as their personal toilet. The carpet as well as its backing need to be replaced, but true to form JMG remains in denial of knowing anything about the menagerie that JMG actually made strenuous attempts to keep here as they tried to deny me the lease agreement move-in date of March 10, 2006. It was at this time Mr. Marc that you had me call and meet with Ms. Rogers so she could assure me of the professionalism that would be exhibited at Caribbean Isle.

Felix is a very personable man and quick to engage in friendly conversation, especially when he’s attempting to shroud the truth, which he did this afternoon when I insisted on waiting for the exterminators in the lobby/office of Caribbean Isle because I was uncomfortable with life in my own home. When Sal from Hulett Exterminators came into the office at approximately 4:00, where I had awaited his arrival since 1:45 PM along with Felix and Mirna, Felix rapidly chose his strategic position behind glass and behind closed doors unavailable to address this man as to payment for the extermination. Up until Sal arrival Felix was chatting with me in the “living room” area of the lobby. This action was akin to the posture taken by Felix when I came to return the key to the model apartment. I had called first to tell Mirna I was coming with the key because I was no more comfortable sleeping in the model as I was sleeping anywhere at Caribbean Isle, yet when I arrived, well after the opening time of hours of operation, I found the door locked. After multiple knocks and Felix and Mirna avoiding my eye contact through the glass panes of the door, Mirna eventually opened the door ever so slightly in order to take the key. Sal eventually told Mirna and me, because Felix still remained in seclusion, that his firm doesn’t exterminate snakes and he was sent “as a favor.” A favor to whom? Certainly not a favor to me, because I am still at home with this snake issue that JMG will ignore throughout this long weekend, made even longer for me with this newly discovered roommate, the python.

The snake that dwells at 3518 Jamaica Run Lane, #1704 is not the only snake at Caribbean Isle, for a snake is a creature that seems to vanish when all others wish to locate it.
JMG must take responsibility for the immediate removal of this pest despite the fact that it’s Memorial Weekend and JMG will have to pay for emergency response despite its furtive efforts to avoid same. The stress, and discomfort JMG has put me through is extensive. I demand JMG take responsibility for this emergency and delete the pest, as they must, and pay my expenses that are connected with the distress and expense your firm has brought to me.

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Budget Travel and Lisa Ann Need to Rethink Its Logic

Budget Travel

RE: Confessions of a timeshare salesperson: Personally I hate the Whole Game It’s a Crock, written by Lisa Ann Schreier

Dear Editor:

I received this article torn from one of your issues from a very true friend in an attempt to provide an alternate perspective to timeshare sales. Clearly Ms. Schreier has issues with her choice of occupation; however she has failed to recognize that the magazine she submitted her article to is as much a scam as she believes her occupation to be.
Buget Travel; indeed! Please, there is no such animal and the advertisers depicted in this periodical are hardly lacking funds and therefore continue to rake in substantial profits as a result of people believing they can have an inexpensive vacation/budget. They can’t. Travel is expensive. That’s a fact. Budget Travel relies on the connotation of the word “budget” to attract the eye of those in search of “a deal.” What is most laughable is that when this word is implemented in business it has little to do with saving money. Examination of the word budget only produces synonyms such as finances, resources, accounts, and funds; however the word has been embraced by the general public to connote a method of saving money. How lucky for Budget Travel and Budget Rental!
Let’s get real. Vacationing is an industry off of which all businesses thrive. If vacationing is a scam then it follows that buying a home, having a family, planting a garden, learning a sport, etc.; all are a swindle for each leads to further expense. True, timeshare purchases lead to continued payments, but when the buyer makes an educated decision, that buyer has locked the family into taking vacations in a style that is far more beneficial than the confines of a closet with a couple of beds, a bathroom and few free amenities.
All too often we humans tend to procrastinate. We would never work-out unless we joined a gym, we would hardly consider a family until we held a baby, and we seldom take vacations until we buy into a yearly plan. It is this human procrastination quality that created Christmas Clubs in banks.
We need vacations. Mark Twain often stated that the whole world should be on vacation as often as possible for it frees the mind of day-to-day irritations found in our daily lives.
Scams? Life itself is a scam, until it is embraced and enjoyed. I sell timeshare and I am proud of what it is that I do because my owners smile knowing that they will be vacationing for years to come and exchanging their timeshares to destinations that were only dreams and procrastinations previous to their purchase.
Get well soon Ms. Schreier. My personal prescription: Take a vacation!

Email me! We have the finest timeshare!

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Robert Louis Stevenson was so cool!

"Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary."
Robert Louis Stevenson(1850-1894)

Saturday, April 21, 2007


The Wild Trees are not wild at all; merely whole life

You are most likely already aware of the book, The Wild Trees by Richard Preston? If you aren't, I thought perhaps you might enjoy it. I am out of the war stories for a while. Twain's Battle Hymn and his snippet "On War" jostled me back into the reality that the story remains the same - we merely change costumes for the time and place which we choose to play on this stage.
Preston's book brought me back into my meditative days in the Berkshire (the ultimate flavor of this time of my life) where the vegetation speaks and awareness is that everything reverberates off of one another. "The whole picture" perspective. I thought I'd share.

Friday, April 06, 2007


Bend it Like Beckham

When I saw this film I couldn't understand why it wasn't as successful as My Big Fat Greek Wedding and then I remembered how our biases influence our acceptances and rejections. In the book The Secret Life of Plants the authors informed their readers as to who really invented the radio, an Indian (from the real India), but Western Europe couldn't acknowledge this truth because it would illustrate whitey wasn't superior, so the credit went to Marconi....so take the big leap and dig the Indian culture and realize how similar our families truly are. Me? I'm Italian-American and I could relate to both Bend it Like Beckham and My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Impossible? - try it on for size and see if it fits...but first you must admit who you really are.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Memoirs of a boy soldier

As I read A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a boy soldier I couldn't’t get my own experiences as well as my juvies’ experiences out of my head. It was fortunate for Ishmael, the spirited author, that his post traumatic stress syndrome was patiently treated by the people who separated him from his dysfunction, UNICEF. He deserved better than to be thrown into not so voluntary service, inspired by brown-brown, cocaine and marijuana given to these children in heavy doses, after his village was torn apart by rebellious soldiers. His courageousness throughout the war trials as well as his exodus out of Sierra Leone was cillingly nerve racking.

Post traumatic stress syndrome appears to be a cultural legacy that this species chooses to leave to our children. Ishmael’s story was told, but the thousands of others have yet to be heard. The world is covered in people who just want to get out of the insanity. Some of them succeed, but are not transitioned like the author of this remarkable book, and the result is that they become a burden to society, and often are repeatedly imprisoned where “reform” is, at best, a joke.

There is a way to discontinue the irrational upbringing of our future. In the juvenile detention centers I worked in it became so evident that I was surprised that no one else could see it – perhaps others have, but when they speak, because they hold no paper from some crazy wizard behind a curtain, they are ignored or ridiculed. – However, the path is there if we would just take the first step. Our future will not change until we change the methods we implement to raise our young. – THINK! – Please. For all of us.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a boy soldier

You'll have to excuse me. Ishmael Beah has been courageous enough to allow me to crawl into a tiny portion of his mind and the experience has taken me away for some time. The book is outstanding and should NEVER...are you listening teachers & administrators?...NEVER be used in a classroom setting because it will be bastardized and ruined. This book should be read much like Sebastian read his book The Never Ending Story; alone, in order to experience every emotion written by this unique author who has painfully shared his life through what must have been excruciating eternities of cathartic scripting. As I devoured the pages I was often reminded of my gang kids in the juvenile detention centers who came in still at war with the gang members they were taught to cut, maim or kill. War is hell whether it's "over there" or here in our own backyards.
Thank Mr. Ishmael Beah for bleeding so many times in order to make your readers a part of your history. No other book says more about the horrors of war than yours and I am grateful for your willingness to share your candor through the agony of prose. Sublime is you!

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